Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Thank you for the dissertatino! You made me go for the dictionary for some of the precise vocabulary you used.

Has there ever been an exhibition of those dresses? I think it would be a great exhibition for the V&A in London or the Musée des Arts Decoratifs in Paris (the Theirry Mugles exhibition was fantastic, and it had most of the dresses Mugler supplied for music videos). It would definitively put Italy back on top in its rightful tof fashion pop position. "Italian disco fashion: Dare to dance with style"

Or is there a book?

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There has been a travelling exhibition of Carrà’s costume off and on for a couple of years, but it never got a lot of traction.

A show on Milva’s costumes just closed in Bologna!

Books: LA TV ALLA MODA (2014)

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I'll send a mail to Musée d'Arts! Let's get Raffaella and Italy! Thank you!

Is this the book?


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